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Home of the White Shadow Organization Roleplaying guild.

    Investigative Team Protocol


    Posts : 182
    Join date : 2014-10-28

    Investigative Team Protocol Empty Investigative Team Protocol

    Post by Phantom Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:35 pm

    There are many different forms of investigation, and therefore no single blanket approach to cover all of them. As such, they've been broken up into generally similar types, each with their own protocols. These different types also double as the type of Specialists we need to be looking for, as it will be their job to write up the protocols for each topic.

    Each different general type of investigation will be posted below. The overall intention is for these methods to be as authentic to Real Life as possible, so if anyone has any input on ANY of them that would help in that regard, please let us know so that they can be modified.

    The Investigative Team are our Task Force, for lack of a better word. They act on the intel recovered by our Recon Team, though sometimes a Recon Team is needed for a particular type of mission. The Directors decide what method is appropriate for a given situation, and utilize the two teams underneath of them as necessary for the method being employed. In an event where more than a single Director's two teams are required (such as a hostile investigation), A meeting of the leadership is necessary to assist with coordination.

    Posts : 182
    Join date : 2014-10-28

    Investigative Team Protocol Empty Re: Investigative Team Protocol

    Post by Phantom Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:36 pm

    HOSTILE INVESTIGATIONS (Requires 4 Five-man teams)
    I : Protocol is used when the director determines that we should attack a POI
    [indent] A: Only used when no other alternatives are available[/indent]
    II : Begin with surveillance, always
    [indent] A: Determine if time is a factor[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: If time is not a factor, observe their daily habits and take them down one at a time[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: If time is a factor, isolate them on a smaller scale.  individual rooms, or other areas where they can be cut off from support[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] B: Determine if there are non-hostiles (civilians/hostages, merchants, etc.) in the vicinity[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: If there are, their safety takes priority[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a - For Civilians, attempt some form of distraction or other suberfuge to mask our operation in the area [/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] b - For Hostages, get them to safety, or at least a fortified portion of the area we're operating in.  Assign a guard or two, depending on the size of the operation.[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] C: Take not of guard patrol patterns, if any[/indent]
    [indent] D: Determine and evaluate all possible exits.  Find at least two safe ones to work with, preferably three[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: A Rooftop Exit [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: Ground Floor Exits[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 3:  Any and all Roads[/indent] [/indent]
    III : Begin at the rooftop
    [indent] A: Establish the high ground, and always try to keep above your targets when possible.[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: One Recon team detaches here to fortify the rooftop and secure ropes that can be dropped to the ground[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] B: Work from top down to bottom[/indent]
    [indent] C: If there is any there is anything that can be used for surveillance, securing that is your first objective.[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: Examples include scrying chambers and summoning rooms, for fantasy settings, and Security offices in modern and futuristic settings.[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: One Recon Team detaches here, with a Specialist, to fortify the room[/indent] [/indent]
    IV : Hunt the head
    [indent] A: Use the surveillance technology to locate the leader of the facility, or our target if we have another one specified.[/indent]
    [indent] B: Attempt to maintain stealth, or at least remain unknown, for as long as possible.[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: Isolate each target, if possible, and quietly take them out one at a time[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: If/when stealth is blown, slow your pace.[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: Use the breaching techniques to clear each room[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] C: Surround and Isolate[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: The two Investigative teams split and clear the rooms in either side of the room the target is in.  [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: Coordinate to Breach the room from both sides[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: You can even rotate shouting out "ONE" "TWO" and "THREE" if no quieter method is available.  [/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] b: Try to capture the target alive, if possible.[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 3: If the target attempts to flee, try to herd him toward the rooftop team[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: If he flees outside, the rooftop team pursues.[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    V : Get out
    [indent] A: If the target has been apprehended[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: The two Investigative teams escort the target out the primary exit[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: The Rooftop Team and the Surveillance Team both move out the secondary exit.[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] B: If the target fled[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: The rooftop team pursues the target[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: The two Investigative teams return to the Surveillance team.[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: Assist the rooftop team if feasible[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] b: If not, all move to the Secondary Exit. [/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] C: If the target was killed[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: The Two Investigative Teams Move to the Rooftop Team[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: The Surveillance Team leaves through the Secondary exit[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 3: The Surveillance Team clears and secures a portion of the ground floor against the building's outer wall[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: The Surveillance Team is now referred to as the Ground Team[/indent] [/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 4: The original Rooftop team rappels down the side of the building and reinforced the Ground Team[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 5: Both Investigative teams drop smoke on the rooftop and rappel down the building as well.[/indent] [/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 6: Recon Teams act as Flanking units as the Investigative teams push towards the closest exit.[/indent] [/indent]

    Last edited by Phantom on Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 182
    Join date : 2014-10-28

    Investigative Team Protocol Empty Re: Investigative Team Protocol

    Post by Phantom Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:37 pm

    DEFENSIVE INVESTIGATIONS (requires 1 Investigative team and 1 Recon team)

    I : Protocol is used when the director determines that we should defend a POI
    II : Initial Meet-and-Greet
    [indent] A: question each of them about the events, one on one if possible.[/indent]
    [indent] B: Cross reference that with the database (on the forums)[/indent]
    III : Prepare the area
    [indent] A: Actually RP it out, and take screenshots and make sure to have the date and the time showing, just in case there's any arguments[/indent]
    [indent] B: Set traps, fortify defenses if necessary, stash a few weapons for future use[/indent]
    [indent] C: Make use of the high ground and choke points.[/indent]
    [indent] D: Set up surveillance around the perimeter[/indent]
    [indent] E: Prepare the entrance[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: Turn it into a choke point[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: Set up hidden sniper positions guarding the choke point[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 3: Fortify the INSIDE of the door, but not the OUTSIDE. [/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: This will help keep it unknown to the approaching group, and therefore it won't raise alarms prematurely.[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] F: Prepare at least one BACK exit route, just in case[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: Fortify it heavily[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] 2: Have a way to seal it off entirely in case you need to flee the location[/indent]
    IV : First Contact
    [indent] A: Perimeter surveillance should be the first to spot incoming hostiles[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: Try to determine their intention[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: take note of how many are approaching[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] b: look for any weapons[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] c: look for any other unusual baggage[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: Signal the two closest points in the perimeter surveillance[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent]a: those two signal the investigative team inside[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 3: The first Recon team member then attempts to move in and stealthily monitor the incoming group[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 4: The other members of the Recon team should begin watching for any infiltrating teams that may be trying to sneak in. Heightened Awareness.[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 5: The Investigative teams take up sniper positions, aimed at the Choke Point[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 6: The Recon Team member that was trailing the group gives the Investigative team some indication on who appears to be the leader, then returns to the perimeter[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] B: Their Hostility[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: If they do not appear to be hostile, the Diplomatic Specialist attempts negotiations[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: If the do appear to be hostile, things get much more complicated[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: The Recon Team Member closest to the fortified exit moves to that and secures it.[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] b: The Recon Team member closest to the entrance moves away and attempts to sabotage the escape route[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] c: The other Recon Team members collapse inward towards each other a bit, to compensate[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] d: The Operative of the Investigative team targets the leader, preferably with something nonlethal, if one has been identified[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] e: The other members of the Investigative Team target the operators of any above average threats, such a mage or a siege machine (target the operators)[/indent][/indent][/indent]
    V: The Aftermath
    [indent] A: Was the leader captured alive?[/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 1: If the leader was captured alive, interrogate[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] [indent] a: Try to find out if there are any higher ranks he/she answers to, and information about them [/indent][/indent][/indent]
    [indent] [indent] 2: If not, prepare for a larger second wave. as The Recon Team spreads back out.[/indent][/indent]
    [indent] B: Repeat the entire process until such time it is determined that defense is no longer necessary, or if a different course of action needs to be taken.[/indent]

    Posts : 182
    Join date : 2014-10-28

    Investigative Team Protocol Empty Re: Investigative Team Protocol

    Post by Phantom Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:37 pm

    I : The scene of the crime
    [indent] A: If there is a victim, examine the victim.
    B: Search the area for anything out of the ordinary. (everything that doesn't seem like it would be there under normal circumstances)
    C: Determine the Means of the crime (how it was Committed)
    D Keep a written list of the clues[/indent]
    II : Follow up on the clues to learn the identies of all involved (if possible at this stage)
    III : Everyone is a suspect until they can be safely ruled out
    [indent] A: Never let suspects stay together.
    [indent] 1: You don't want them comparing notes
    2: Inconsistencies between two suspects' stories will be extremely useful[/indent] [/indent]
    IV: Begin Questioning Each person on that list
    [indent] A: Begin by finding out if they have an alibi
    [indent] 1: Determine Location, Time Frame, and Possible Witnesses to verify
    2: Keep alert for any hint of a Motive, but don't go actively seeking it yet[/indent][/indent]
    V : Whittle the list down by Opportunity
    [indent] A: Begin by checking their alibi
    B: Work your way through their entire story, verifying every fact given
    C: When it seems impossible for the suspect to have committed the crime, move on to the next name on the list
    D: Compile the names of all those who had the Opportunity[/indent]

    VI :Review of the Evidence
    [indent] A: Recreate the crime
    [indent] 1: Simulate it. put yourself in the role of the criminal, and use the clues to walk through everything
    2: Look for any inconsistencies while recreating the crime. if there's something that doesn't make sense, it's important.
    3: Reexamine the means to verify[/indent][/indent]

    VII: Begin Investigating the names on this new list
    [indent] A: Search for anything that connects to the Means originally established at the Crime Scene
    [indent] 1: If you can do it stealthily, do so[/indent]
    B: Begin Pointed Questioning of the Suspect
    [indent] 1: Determine if the Suspect had a Motive
    2: Use any evidence you have found as Leverage
    [indent] a: You might be able to get a confession at this point, depending on how solid the piece of evidenced is and how severe the crime[/indent][/indent][/indent]

    VIII: Detainment
    [indent] A: Requirements
    [indent] 1: Means
    2: Motive
    3: Opportunity
    4: At least one piece of Material Evidence[/indent]
    B: Preferred Extras
    [indent] 1: Confession
    2: Eyewitness Statements[/indent]
    C: Unusable Items
    [indent] 1: Second hand accounts (you would be the third hand in that)[/indent]
    D: Storage
    [indent] 1: Turn them over to the city guards, if possible, and present the evidence (tenative)[/indent][/indent]

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